Thursday, October 10, 2013


When I started this blog, I told myself and everyone else that I was going to be open and honest about everything that goes on with this process. One truth about this thing that I have not admitted to anyone but my wife is that I'm scared. Really scared.

Tomorrow I go in for a PET scan to determine whether there is more cancer in my body than what they've found so far. Today, about 30 minutes ago in fact, it hit me that the results of tomorrow's test are going to have a huge impact on how we go forward

On the bright side, my doctor said we caught it early, but on the other side of the coin, the two lymph nodes they found that were enlarged mean that it could be anywhere. Tomorrow's test will tell the tale.

Despite being scared, I remain completely confident that I will beat this thing. I just hope that the road doesn't get any longer based on tomorrow's results. I won't know what those results are for a couple of days, which bugs the hell out of me, but short of pulling off some sort of sit-in vigil, I don't think they're going to tell me on the same day.

I don't usually ask for this sort of thing, but if you could just cross your fingers for me tomorrow, or say a quick prayer, or call whatever good luck charm you have into play, I will be eternally grateful.

I will post again tomorrow after we get back from Petoskey, and then again after we get results.

I Will Win

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